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ACO 4, 1
Acta Conciliorvm Oecvmenicorvm. Ivssv atqve mandato Societatis Scientiarvm Argentoratensis. Edenda intitvit Edvardvs Schwartz. Continvavit Johannes Straub. Tomvs Qvartvs. Volvmen Primvm. MDCCCLXXI. In Aedibvs Walter de Gruyter & Co. Berolini. (Tome 4, Volume 1. 1971. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter & Co.)

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Barlaam St John of Damascus. Barlaam and Ioasaph. Greek Text with an English Translation by Rev. G. R. Woodward and H. Mattingly. 1967. London, UK: William Heinemann Ltd; Cambridge, MA, USA: Harvard University Press.

Barsanuphios Barsanouphiou kai Ioannou. Keimena Diakritika kai Hesuchastika (Erotapokriseis) (Texts of Discernment and Hesychasm (Questions and Answers)). Three Volumes. Text as established by St Nikodemos the Hagiorite. 1997. Kareas, Greece. Ekdoseis ‘Etoimasia’ Hieras Mones Timiou Prodromou.

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Bunge Evagrios Pontikos. Briefe aus der Wüste. (Letters from the Desert). Eingeleitet, übersetzt und kommentiert von Gabriel Bunge. (Introduction, translation and commentary by Gabriel Bunge.) In the series Sophia, Bd. 24. 1986. Trier, Germany: Paulinus-Verlag.

Cassian C Jean Cassien. Conférences (Conferences). Introduction, texte latin, traduction et notes par Dom E. Pichery. In Sources chrétiennes, Nos 42, 54, 64. 1955, 1958, 1959. Paris, France: Les Éditions du Cerf. For an English translation, see: The Conferences Of John Cassian. Translation and notes by Edgar C. S. Gibson. A Select Library of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, Second Series, Volume 11. New York, 1894. To be found at the Web address:

Catholicism McBrien, Richard P. 1994. Catholicism. New Edition. New York, USA: HarperSanFrancisco, A Division of HarperCollins Publishers.

Casiday Casiday, Augustine. 2004. ‘Review Article: Gabriel Bunge and the Study of Evagrius Ponticus’. In St Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 48:2, pp. 249–97. Crestwood, NY, USA: SVS Press.

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Copleston A Copleston, F. C. 1955. Aquinas. Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England: Penguin Books Ltd.

Chr–Rom G St John Chrysostom. Hupomnema eis ten pros Romaious Epistole (Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans). In the original Greek with facing translation into modern Greek. In Hellenes Pateres tes Ekklesias, Volumes 71 and 75 (Volumes 16B and 17 of the sub-series of the collected works of St John Chrysostom). 1984 and 1985. Thessalonika, Greece: Paterikai Ekdoseis ‘Gregorios ho Palamas’.

Cyril Schwartz, Eduard. Kyrillos von Skythopolis (Cyril of Scythopolis). This is a critical edition of the various Lives written by Cyril of Scythopolis. 1939. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs Verlag.

Damascus St John of Damascus. Ekdosis akribes tes orthodoxou pisteos (Exact Exposition of the Orthodox Faith). In Die Schriften des Johannes von Damaskos. Herausgegeben von Byzantinischen Institut der Abtei Scheyern. II. Expositio Fidei. Besorgt von P. Bonifatius Kotter O.S.B. 1973. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter.

Diadochos Diadoche de Photicé (Diadochos of Photike). Œuvres spirituelles (Spiritual Works). Introduction, texte critique, traduction et notes de Édouard des Places, s.j. (Introduction, critical text, translation and notes by Édouard des Places, SJ). 1966. In Sources chrétiennes, No 5 ter. Paris, France: Les Éditions du Cerf.

Dictionnaire Dictionnaire de Spiritualité (Dictionary of Spirituality). Ascétique et Mystique (Ascetical and Mystical). Fondé par (Founded by) M. Viller, F. Cavallera, J. de Guibert, S.J.… 1953–. Paris, France: Beauchesne.

Dionysius Pseudo-Dionysius. The Complete Works. Translated by Colm Luibheid. 1987. In The Classics of Western Spirituality. New York, NY, and Mahwah, NJ, USA: Paulist Press.

Dysinger Dysinger, Luke, OSB. 2005. Psalmody and Prayer in the Writings of Evagrius Ponticus. In Oxford Theological Monographs. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Ekklesiasten Évagre le Pontique. Scholies a l’Ecclésiaste (Scholia on Ecclesiastes). Édition princeps du texte grec,… par Paul Géhin. 1993. In Sources chrétiennes, No 397. Paris, France: Les Éditions du Cerf.

Encyclopedia Edwards, Paul, Editor in Chief. 1967. The Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 8 Volumes. New York, NY, USA: Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc. & The Free Press.

Frankenberg Frankenberg, W. 1912. Evagrius Ponticus (Abhandlungen der Königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, Philol.-hist. Klasse, Neue Folge, Bd. XII, 2). Berlin, Germany.

Genetic (Constantine), Fr Theophanes. 2001. The Genetic Program, A Systems Approach. Mount Athos, Greece: in preparation.

Gilbert Gilbert, Scott F. 1997. Developmental Biology. Fifth Edition. Sunderland, MA, USA: Sinauer Associates, Inc.

Gilson Aug Gilson, Étienne. 1982. Introduction a l’Étude de Saint Augustin. Deuxième édition. Paris, France: Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin.

Gilson E Gilson, Étienne. 1929. The Philosophy of St Thomas Aquinas. Authorised Translation from the Third Revised & Enlarged Edition of ‘Le Thomisme’ by Étienne Gilson. Translated by Edward Bullough. Edited by Rev. G. A. Elrington. Reprint: No date. New York, USA: Dorset Press.

Gilson F Gilson, Étienne. 1989. Le Thomisme. Introduction a la philosophie de Saint Thomas D’Aquin par Étienne Gilson. Sixième édition revue. Sixième tirage. Paris, France: Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin.

Gnostic E Evagrius Pontikos. The Gnostic. English translation from the Greek and French of Gnostic G by Fr Theophanes (Constantine). As Appendix 1 of The Psychological Basis of Mental Prayer in the Heart, Volume II: The Evagrian Ascetical System. 2006. Mount Athos, Greece: Timios Prodromos. ISBN 960-88933-2-1.

Gnostic G Évagre Le Pontique. Le Gnostic ou A celui qui est devenu digne de la science (The Gnostic or To Him Who Has Become Worthy of Gnosis). Édition critique des fragments grecs. Traduction intégrale établie au moyen des versions syriaques et arménienne. Commentaire et tables. (Critical Edition of the Greek Fragments. Complete translation established by means of the Syriac and Armenian versions. Commentary and Tables.) Antoine Guillaumont and Claire Guillaumont. In Sources Chrétiennes, No 356. Paris, France: Les Éditions du Cerf.

Golitzin Hieromonk Alexander (Golitzin). 1994. Et Introibo Ad Altare Dei. The Mystagogy of Dionysius Areopagita, With Special Reference To Its Predecessors In The Eastern Christian Tradition. In Analecta Blatadon, 59. Thessalonika, Greece: Patriarchikon Idruma Paterikon Meleton.

Gregory Theo Gregoriou tou Theologou (St Gregory the Theologian). Logoi Eortastikoi – Ethikologikoi (Festal and Moral Discourses). Eisagoge, keimenon, metaphrasis, scholia hupo N. E. Apostolake (Introduction, text, translation, notes by N. E. Apostolakes). In Hellenes Pateres tes Ekklesias, Volume 27 (Volumes 5 of the sub-series of the collected works of St Gregory the Theologian). 1977. Thessalonika, Greece: Paterikai Ekdoseis ‘Gregorios ho Palamas’.

Guillaumont Guillaumont, Antoine. 1962. Les ‘Képhalaia Gnostica’ d’Évagre le Pontique (The ‘Kephalaia Gnostica’ of Evagrius Pontikos). Paris, France: Éditions du Seuil.

Hume–Under Hume, David. 1748. An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding. In The Empiricists. 1974. Garden City, New York, USA: Anchor Books. Anchor Press/Doubleday.

Isaac St Isaac the Syrian. The Ascetical Homilies of St Isaac the Syrian. Translated by the Holy Transfiguration Monastery. 1984. Boston, MA, USA: Holy Transfiguration Monastery.

Isaiah Tou Osiou Patros Hemon Abba Hesaia (St Abba Isaiah). Logoi KQ’ (Twenty-Nine Homilies). Edited by Augoustinou, Monachou. 1911. Jerusalem: no publisher. Reprinted: 1962. Volo, Greece: ‘Hagioreitikes Bibliothekes’, S. N. Schoina.

Joachim Aristotle. The Nicomachean Ethics. A Commentary by the late H. H. Joachim. Edited by D. A. Rees. Corrected reprint, 1955. Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press.

KG E Evagrius Pontikos. The Kephalaia Gnostica. English translation from the French of the PO 28, 1 by Fr Theophanes (Constantine). As Appendix 2 of The Psychological Basis of Mental Prayer in the Heart, Volume II: The Evagrian Ascetical System. 2006. Mount Athos, Greece: Timios Prodromos. ISBN 960-88933-2-1.

Kuhn Kuhn, Thomas S. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Third Edition, 1996. Chicago, IL, USA and London, UK: The University of Chicago Press.

Ladder E St John Climacus. The Ladder of Divine Ascent. (Translation of Archim. Lazarus Moore.) Revised Edition. 1978. Boston, MA, USA: Holy Transfiguration Monastery.

Ladder G Ioannou tou Sinaitou. Klimax (Ladder). Eisagoge, keimenon, metaphrasis, scholia, pinakes hupo Archim. Ignatios (Introduction, text, translation, notes, tables by Archimandrite Ignatios). Third Edition. 1986. Oropos Attikes, Greece: Ekdoseis Hieras Mones Tou Parakletou.

Lampe A Patristic Greek Lexicon. Edited by G. W. H. Lampe, D. D. 1961. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Liddell–Scott A Greek-English Lexicon. Compiled by Henry George Liddell and Robert Scott. Revised and augmented throughout by Sir Henry Stuart Jones… Ninth Edition, 1940. With a Supplement, 1968. Reprinted 1983. Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press.

de Lubac de Lubac, Cardinal Henri. Histoire et Esprit, L’intelligence de l’Écriture d’après Origène (History and Spirit, The sense of Scripture according to Origen). 2002. In Henri de Lubac, Oeuvres Complètes, Volume XVI. Paris, France: Les Éditions du Cerf.

Making G St Gregory of Nyssa. Peri Kataskeues Anthropou (On the Making of Man). Edition of G. H. Forbensius, Tou en hagiois patros hemon Greg. Nusses, ta euriskomena panta, Vol. 1, Burntisland 1855, pp. 102–318. (= Migne 44, cols. 124–256.) In Bibliotheke Hellenon Pateron kai Ekklesiastikon Suggrapheon, Volume 65A (Part A, II). 1995. Athens, Greece: Apostolike Diakonia tes Ekklesias tes Hellados.

Mark Marc le moine (St Mark the Ascetic). Traités (Treatises). Introduction, texte critique, traduction, notes et index par Georges-Matthieu de Durand, o.p. (Introduction, critical text, translation, notes and index by Georges-Matthieu de Durand, OP). 1999, 2000. In Sources chrétiennes, Nos 445, 455. Paris, France: Les Éditions du Cerf.

Martyrology Martyrologium romanum: ex decreto sacrosancti oecumenici Concilii Vaticani II instauratum auctoritate Ioannis Pauli PP. II promulgatum. (The Roman Martyrology: instituted by the decree of the Holy Ecumenical Council, Vatican II; published by the authority of Pope John Paul II.) 2004. ISBN: 8820972107. Città del Vaticano: Typis Vaticanis.

Medieval Kretzmann, Norman, A. Kenny, J. Pinborg. 1982. The Cambridge History of Later Medieval Philosophy. From the Rediscovery of Aristotle to the Disintegration of Scholasticism 1100–1600. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Melania 1 Frankenberg, W. 1912. Palin tou Hagiou Evagriou epistole pros Melanian. (Again of St Evagrius, Letter to Melania.) This is Frankenberg’s retro-translation of Part 1 of the Letter to Melania into ancient Greek from the Syriac of the manuscript. In Frankenberg (see entry), Volume II, pp. 612–19.

Melania 2 Vitestam, Gösta. Seconde partie du traité, qui passe sous le nom de “La grande lettre d’Évagre le Pontique à Mélanie l’ancienne”. Publiée et traduite d’après le manuscrit du British Museum Add. 17192. (Second part of the treatise which passes under the name of ‘The Great Letter of Evagrius Ponticus to Melanie the Elder’. Published and translated according to the manuscript of the British Museum Add. 17192.) Scripta Minora 3, 1963–1964. Lund, Sweden: Regiae societatis humaniorum litterarum lundensis.

Melania E Parmentier, Martin. Evagrius of Pontus’ “Letter to Melania” I and II. (Part I is an English translation of the complete Letter; Part II is a commentary.) Bijdragen, tijdschrift voor filosofie en theologie 46 (1985), pp. 2–38.

Meletios Meletios (Kalamaras), Metropolites Nikopoleos. 1985. E Pempte Oikoumenike Sunodos (The Fifth Ecumenical Synod). Preveza, Greece: Ekdosis Hieras Metropoleos Nikopoleos kai Prevezas.

Meyendorff Meyendorff, J. 1964. A Study of Gregory Palamas. Translated by G. Lawrence. London, UK: The Faith Press.

Migne Migne, J. P. Patrologia Graeca.

Monod Monod, Jacques. 1970. Le hasard et la nécessité, essai sur la philosophie naturelle de la biologie moderne (Chance and Necessity, Essay on the Natural Philosophy of Modern Biology). Paris, France: Éditions du Seuil.

Mystagogia St Maximos the Confessor. Mystagogia (Mystagogy). Based on the text in J. P. Migne, Patrologia Graeca. In the original Greek with facing translation into modern Greek. In the series Epi tas Pegas, Volume 1. 1973. Athens, Greece: Apostolike Diakonia tes Ekklesias tes Hellados.

NF 2, V A Select Library of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of The Christian Church. Second Series. Translated into English with Prolegomena and Explanatory Notes under the editorial supervision of Philip Schaff and Henry Wace. Volume V. Gregory of Nyssa: Dogmatic Treatises, Etc. 1892. London, England. This volume contains Victorian English translations, from the originals, of both On the Making of Man and On the Soul and the Resurrection. Reprinted 1972. Grand Rapids, MI, USA: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.

NT He Kaine Diatheke. Kata ten ekdosin tou Oikoumenikou Patriarcheiou. 1968. Athens, Greece: Apostolike Diakonia tes Ekklesias tes Hellados.

O’Laughlin O’Laughlin, Michael Wallace. 1987. Origenism in the Desert. Anthropology and Integration in Evagrius Ponticus. Unpublished D. Th. thesis at Harvard Divinity School. Cambridge, MA, USA: Harvard University.

OTT E Evagrius Pontikos. On the Thoughts. English version translated from the original Greek by Fr Theophanes (Constantine). In The Psychological Basis of Mental Prayer in the Heart, Volume II: The Evagrian Ascetical System. 2006. Mount Athos, Greece: Timios Prodromos. ISBN 960-88933-2-1.

OTT G Évagre le Pontique. Sur Les Pensées (On the Thoughts). Édition du texte grec. Paul Géhin, Claire Guillaumont and Antoine Guillaumont. 1998. In Sources chrétiennes, No 438. Paris, France: Les Éditions du Cerf.

Oxford Trans Aristotle. The Complete Works of Aristotle. Edited by Jonathan Barnes. 1984. In Bollingen Series, Volume LXXI–2. Princeton, NJ, USA: Princeton University Press.

Oyama Susan Oyama, Paul E. Griffiths, and Russell D. Gray, Editors. 2001. Cycles of Contingency. Developmental Systems and Evolution. Cambridge, MA, USA and London, UK: A Bradford Book, The M.I.T. Press.

Paidagogos Clément d’Alexandrie (Clement of Alexandria). Le Pédagogue (Paidagogos). Traduction de (translation by) M. Harl; C. Mondésert; C. Mondésert et C. Mantray. Introduction et notes de (Introduction and notes by) H.-I. Marrou. In Sources chrétiennes, Nos 70 (Bk. I), 108 (Bk. II), 158 (Bk. III). 1960, 1991 (2nd Ed.), 1970. Paris, France: Les Éditions du Cerf.

Palamas Palamas, St Gregory. Huper ton Hieros Hesuchazonton (In Defence of Those Keeping Stillness in a Holy Manner). Original text. Introduction and text as established by P. K. Chrestou. In Suggramata tou Gregoriou tou Palama, Volume 1. 1962. Thessalonika, Greece. No publisher.

Peri Archon Origen. Peri Archon. As: Origen, On First Principles, Being Koetschau’s Text of the De Principiis Translated into English, Together with an Introduction and Notes by G. W. Butterworth. Originally published 1936: London, UK: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (S.P.C.K.). Harper Torchback edition published 1966: New York, NY, USA: Harper and Row, Publishers, Incorporated. Harper Torchback edition reprinted 1973: Gloucester, MA, USA: Peter Smith.

Patrich Patrich, Joseph. 1995. Sabas, Leader of Palestinian Monasticism. A Comparative Study in Eastern Monasticism, Fourth to Seventh Centuries. Washington, DC, USA: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection.

Philokalia D Philokalia ton Hieron Neptikon (Philokalia of the Holy Fathers of Sobriety). Translated into Modern (Demotic) Greek by Anthony G. Galites. Five Volumes. 1984–1988. Thessalonika, Greece: Ekdoseis To Periboli tes Panaghias.

Philokalia E The Philokalia. The Complete Text compiled by St Nikodemos of the Holy Mountain and St Makarios of Corinth. Translated from the Greek and edited by G. E. H. Palmer, Philip Sherrard and Kallistos Ware with the assistance of others. Five Volumes. 1979–. London, UK: Faber and Faber.

Philokalia F Philocalie des pères neptiques (Philokalia of the Fathers of Sobriety). Introduction par Olivier Clément. Notices, et traduction de Jacques Touraille. Two Volumes. 1995. No place: Desclée de Brouwer, J.-C. Lattès.

Philokalia G Philokalia ton Hieron Neptikon (Philokalia of the Holy Fathers of Sobriety). Ancient Greek text. Fifth Edition. 1982–. Athens, Greece: Ekdotikos Oikos ‘Aster’. Al. & E. Papademetriou.

Plato Platonis Opera (Plato, Works). Recognovit brevique adnotatione critica instruxit Ioannes Burnet (Edited and provided with brief critical notes by John Burnet). In four volumes. First published 1900. Impression of 1973. In Oxford Classical Texts. Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press.

Plotinus Plotin (Plotinus). Ennéades (The Enneads). Texte établi et traduit par Émile Bréhier (Text established and translated by Émile Bréhier). Troisième tirage (Third printing). In six volumes: 1960–1963. In Collection Budé des universités de France. Paris, France: Société d’édition ‘Les belles lettres’.

PO 28, 1 Guillaumont, Antoine. 1958. Les six centuries des “Kephalaia Gnostica” d’Évagre le Pontique (The Six Centuries of the Kephalaia Gnostica of Evagrius Pontikos). Édition critique de la version syriaque commune et édition d’une nouvelle version syriaque, intégrale, avec une double traduction française. In Patrologia Orientalis, Tome XXVIII–Fascicule 1. Paris, France. Firmin-Didot et Cie.

RSV The Holy Bible. Containing The Old and New Testaments. Revised Standard Version. Old Testament: Revised 1946–1952. New Testament: Second Edition, 1971. London, UK: Oxford University Press.

Schaffner Schaffner, Kenneth F. ‘Genes, Behavior, and Developmental Emergentism: One Process, Indivisible?’. In the journal Philosophy of Science 65 (June 1998) pp. 209–52. Responses to the article in the same issue, pp. 253–88.

Singer Singer, Peter, Editor. 1991. A Companion to Ethics. Oxford, UK: Basil Blackwell Ltd.

Sinkewicz Evagrius of Pontus. The Greek Ascetic Corpus. Translation, Introduction, and Commentary by Robert E. Sinkewicz. 2003. In the series Oxford Early Christian Studies. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

SO 30 Guillaumont, Antoine. 1979. Aux origines du monachisme chrétien, Pour une phénoménologie du monachisme (To the Origins of Christian Monasticism, For A Phenomenology of Monasticism). In Spiritualité orientale et vie monastique, No 30. Bégrolles en Mauges (Maine & Loire), France: Abbaye de Bellefontaine.

Soul F Terrieux, Jean. 1995. Sur L’âme et la résurrection (On the Soul and the Resurrection). This is a translation into the French from the original of On the Soul and the Resurrection (see Soul G), although from a different edition of the text. Paris, France: Les Éditions du Cerf.

Soul G St Gregory of Nyssa. Peri Psyches kai anastaseos, Meta tes idias adelphes Macrines dialogos (Concerning the Soul and the Resurrection, Dialogue with His Own Sister, Macrina). Edition of Franz Dehler, Gregor’s Bischof’s von Nyssa, Gesprach mit seiner Schwester Macrina. Über Seele und Auferstehung. Leipzig, 1858. In Bibliotheke Hellenon Pateron kai Ekklesiastikon Suggrapheon, Volume 68. 1989. Athens, Greece: Apostolike Diakonia tes Ekklesias tes Hellados.

Stethatos Hausherr, I. 1928. Un grand mystique byzantin. Vie de Syméon le Nouveau Théologien par Nicétas Stéthatos. (A Great Byzantine Mystic. Life of Symeon the New Theologian by Nikitas Stetathos.) In Orientalia Christiana 12. Rome: Pontificum Institutum Orientalium Studiorum.

Stewart Stewart, Columba. 2001. ‘Imageless Prayer and the Theological Vision of Evagrius Ponticus’. In Journal of Early Christian Studies, 9:2, pp. 173–204. Baltimore, MD, USA: The Johns Hopkins University Press.

Stromateis Clement of Alexandria. Stromateis. In Migne, Volumes 8 and 9. Books I, II and V have been published in critical editions in Sources chrétiennes, Nos 30 bis, 38 bis, 278 and 279. Paris, France: Les Éditions du Cerf. An English translation of the Stromateis can be found in the Ante-Nicene Christian Library (Edinburgh, 1882 and 1884).

Summa St Thomas Aquinas. Summa Theologiae. Edition: Somme Théologique de S. Thomas D’Aquin. Traduite en français et annotée par F. Lachat. In French translation with the original Latin text. 16 Volumes. 1854–61. Paris, France: Librairie de Louis Vivès, Éditeur.

TPL E Evagrius Pontikos. Treatise on the Practical Life. English translation from the original Greek by Fr Theophanes (Constantine). In The Psychological Basis of Mental Prayer in the Heart, Volume II: The Evagrian Ascetical System. 2006. Mount Athos, Greece: Timios Prodromos. ISBN 960-88933-2-1.

TPL G Évagre Le Pontique. Traité pratique ou Le moine (Practical Treatise or The Monk). Tome I. Introduction. Tome II. Édition critique du texte grec… Antoine Guillaumont et Claire Guillaumont. 1971. In Sources chrétiennes, Nos 170 & 171. Paris, France: Les Éditions du Cerf.

Verger Verger, Jacques. 1998. L’Essor des universités au XIIIe siècle (The Growth of the Universities in the Thirteenth Century). In Initiations au Moyen Age. Paris, France: Les Éditions du Cerf.

Watson Watson, James D., N. H. Hopkins, J. W. Roberts, J. Argetsinger Steitz, A. M. Weiner. 1987. Molecular Biology of the Gene. Fourth Edition. Menlo Park, CA, USA: The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc.

Zoe E Palaia Diatheke Kata Tous Ebdomekonta (The Old Testament According to the Seventy—the Septuagint). Seventh Edition, 1973. Athens, Greece: Adelphotes Theologon He ‘Zoe’ (Brotherhood of Theologians, ‘Zoe’).

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